
Saturday, 15 March 2014

Amber's first eye test...

Although it's hard to believe that by the age of 19 I have never had my eyes tested, it's the truth (unless you count desperately trying to read a roundabout sign in what seems like a monsoon - this happened yesterday). I went for my first ever eye test today (eek!). 
This is what I expected...
Cover my eyes and read the letters. If I can read them, I don't need glasses and if I can't, I need a snazzy new pair of specs.
This was reality...
The optician took me into the smallest room ever and spent the first five minutes chatting v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y about my journey there and asked me what the weather was like outside (even though the windows in his little shop are MASSIVE and he could clearly see the weather... Ironic considering he's an optician that can't see out his own windows), but nonetheless he was a lovely man and only being friendly. Anyway, the test involved various activities including me wearing a ridiculously oversized pair of spectacles to read letters from a TV (yes - no more big ABC board, time has moved on and opticians use technology!) which I could see fine anyway without the monstrosities. It also included a test with a buzzer and a light, something that looked like a medieval device, extremely bright lights and most of my make up smeared over various machines from pressing my face against them to peer my eyes through the holes. 

So, the bottom line is that I don't need glasses (hurrah!) even though they would be quite a nice fashion accessory. 

Big smiles,
Amber xo

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